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日本呼吸器学会英文誌 Respiratory Investigation
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Article in Japanese

Case Report

A case of pulmonary hamartoma with a giant pulmonary cyst and telangiectasia in the bronchial mucosa

Hideto Oshitaa  Takashi Kumadab  Koji Yoshiokaa  Yasuhiko Ikegamia  Eiji Miyaharab  Naoki Yamaokaa 

aDepartment of Respiratory Medicine, Federation of National Public Service and Affiliated Personnel Mutual Aid Associations, Yoshijima Hospital
bDepartment of Respiratory Surgery, Federation of National Public Service and Affiliated Personnel Mutual Aid Associations, Yoshijima Hospital


A 68-year-old woman was accidentally found to have a tumor in the upper lobe of the left lung on chest imaging. Chest computed tomography findings suggested a pulmonary hamartoma; however, a giant pulmonary cyst was detected on the peripheral side of the tumor. Bronchoscopy revealed marked telangiectasia in the bronchial mucosa near the tumor. Because of the large size of the tumor and the risk of developing pneumothorax, infection, or hemoptysis, a thoracoscopic left upper lobectomy was performed. Even when a benign tumor is suspected, if the tumor is large, it may cause various complications due to compression of the surrounding tissue. Hence, surgical resection should be considered.


Pulmonary hamartoma  Telangiectasia  Pulmonary cyst  Air trapping 

Received 22 Nov 2022 / Accepted 27 Jan 2023

AJRS, 12(3): 170-173, 2023

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