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日本呼吸器学会誌 増刊号 学術講演会プログラム 抄録集 全文PDF


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Questionnaire survey about the divergence between junior residents' learning needs and what clinical instructors want junior residents to learn at university and general hospitals

Hiroshi Tajimaa,b  Hajime Kasaia,b  Takashi Urushibarac  Mari Yatomid  Shoichi Itoa  Takuji Suzukib 

aDepartment of Medical Education, Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine
bDepartment of Respiratory Medicine, Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine
cDepartment of Respirology, Kimitsu Chuo Hospital
dDepartment of Respirology, Chiba Rosai Hospital


Understanding a learner's situation and their needs improves the quality of education they receive; however, the gap between the junior residents' needs regarding respiratory medicine training and the expectations that clinical instructors have for clinical trainees has not been identified. The subjects were junior residents training in respiratory medicine and respiratory physicians in Chiba prefecture. We conducted a questionnaire about respiratory medicine training needs and compared the results with the learning requirements that clinical instructors set for clinical trainees. The need of junior residents for general internal medicine knowledge was high. The range of trainees' needs was limited compared to the clinical instructors' understanding of what trainees should learn. There were some differences between junior residents' respiratory medicine training needs and the expectations of the trainees held by clinical instructors.


Respiratory medicine  Clinical resident training  Clinical trainee  Clinical instructor 

Received 20 Sep 2022 / Accepted 6 Jan 2023

AJRS, 12(2): 55-64, 2023

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