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Article in Japanese

Original Article

Current status of multidisciplinary discussion diagnosis for diffuse parenchymal lung diseases in Japan: a survey of the main facilities of the Japanese Respiratory Society Specialty Program

Hiromi Tomiokaa,b  Masashi Bandoa,c  Yasuhiro Kondoha,d 

aJapanese Respiratory Society Scientific Assembly of Diffuse Lung Disease
bDepartment of Respiratory Medicine, Kobe City Medical Center West Hospital
cDivision of Pulmonary Medicine, Department of Medicine, Jichi Medical University
dDepartment of Respiratory Medicine and Allergy, Tosei General Hospital


We investigated the current status of multidisciplinary discussion (MDD) diagnosis for diffuse parenchymal lung diseases in Japan using data from a survey of the main facilities of the Japanese Respiratory Society Specialty Program. All the 239 facilities (university hospitals, n=97; national and public hospitals, n=57, and general hospitals, n=85) completed a questionnaire administered by e-mail or post from June 2, 2020 to September 28, 2020. The MDD diagnosis was recognized in 92.9% of the facilities and 9.6% applied it regularly, 28.0% did so irregularly, and 62.3% did not at all. A full-time pulmonary radiology specialist or full-time pulmonary pathology specialist was available in 56.9% and 30.5% of facilities, respectively, and both were available in 25.9%. The implementation status of the MDD diagnosis varied by category of the facilities, that is, university hospitals, national and public hospitals, and general hospitals. With regard to the question, ‘If MDD diagnosis by diffuse parenchymal lung disease experts was easily available using the Internet, would you use it?’, 39.3% answered they would use it in all cases, 56.9% answered they would use it depending on the situation, and 3.8% answered they would not use it.


Diffuse parenchymal lung disease  Multidisciplinary discussion (MDD)  Interstitial lung disease  Interstitial pneumonia 

Received 5 Nov 2020 / Accepted 1 Dec 2020

AJRS, 10(2): 97-101, 2021

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