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Article in Japanese

Case Report

A case of empyema with ectopic parasitism due to Trichomonas tenax

Hitoomi Okamoria  Shigenori Toyotaa  Seigo Ishiia  Toshie Nikia  Satoshi Tetsumotoa  Masaharu Tokorob  Mayumi Suzukia 

aDepartment of Respiratory Medicine, Nishinomiya Municipal Central Hospital
bAdvanced Preventive Medical Sciences Research Center, Kanazawa University


A 62-year-old alcoholic male patient, with a history of diabetes mellitus and cerebral infarction, visited his family doctor because of dyspnea, fever, and productive cough. Unenhanced chest computed tomography (CT) scan showed left pleural effusion, so he was admitted to our hospital immediately. Fresh wet preparation of the pleural effusion revealed many flagellated, actively motile organisms with the typical appearance of trichomonads.
On polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis of both pleural effusion and sputum, Trichomonas tenax was identified. He was diagnosed with empyema due to T. tenax. It was suggested that empyema was caused by aspirated T. tenax. He was successfully treated with metronidazole, other antibiotics, and decortication. Here, we present a rare case of empyema due to T. tenax.


Empyema  Pleuritis  Trichomonas tenax  Ectopic parasitism 

Received 6 Apr 2020 / Accepted 12 Jun 2020

AJRS, 9(5): 374-378, 2020

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