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Article in Japanese

Case Report

Successful re-administration of drug-induced interstitial lung injury caused by olaparib in two cases

Natsumi Sakaia  Yosuke Kimuraa  Masachika Hayashia  Toshiyuki Koyaa  Takayuki Enomotob  Toshiaki Kikuchia 

aDepartment of Respiratory Medicine and Infectious Diseases, Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences
bDepartment of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences


Olaparib is a novel molecularly targeted drug [poly ADP-ribose polymerase (PARP) inhibitor] for advanced ovarian and breast cancer. Although there are few reports of drug-induced lung injury caused by olaparib, we here present two such cases. While there were many similarities between the two cases, such as onset time, symptoms, course, and laboratory findings, there was no consistent trend in the chest computed tomography images. It is difficult to determine whether or not to re-administer olaparib if the primary disease is a malignancy. In these two cases, we were able to re-administer olaparib because neither patient had a recurrence of drug-induced lung injury. In the future, olaparib is expected to be widely used for various malignant diseases, so we should keep in mind the possibility of drug-induced lung injury caused by olaparib.


Olaparib  PARP inhibitor  Drug-induced lung injury  Re-administration 

Received 17 Sep 2019 / Accepted 25 Feb 2020

AJRS, 9(3): 200-204, 2020

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