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日本呼吸器学会誌 増刊号 学術講演会プログラム 抄録集 全文PDF


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Article in Japanese

Case Report

A case of rheumatoid arthritis in which multiple pulmonary rheumatoid nodules preceded joint symptoms

Haruka Takenakaa,b  Keiki Yokooa,b  Koji Katob,c  Gen Yamadaa  Hiroki Takahashic  Yasuo Kitamurab 

aDepartment of Respiratory Medicine, Teine Keijinkai Hospital
bDepartment of Respiratory Medicine, Municipal Kushiro General Hospital
cDepartment of Respiratory Medicine and Allergology, Sapporo Medical University


A 66-year-old man was admitted to Municipal Kushiro General Hospital for examination of abnormal shadowing on chest X-ray film. The chest computed tomography showed multiple nodules in both lungs. We suspected a metastatic lung tumor and performed transbronchial lung biopsy several times. However, there was no evidence of malignancy. After that, the size of the nodules increased gradually. To obtain a diagnosis, surgical biopsy by video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery was performed. Pathological findings showed fibrinoid necrosis with surrounding palisading granuloma. During the follow-up period, arthralgia emerged with elevation of anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibody levels. We diagnosed him as having rheumatoid arthritis with pulmonary rheumatoid nodules. After bucillamine was prescribed, the size of the nodules enlarged. Therefore, a low dose of prednisolone was prescribed in addition to bucillamine, and the nodules decreased. This case suggests prednisolone was effective in the treatment of pulmonary rheumatoid nodules.


Rheumatoid arthritis  Pulmonary rheumatoid nodules  Prednisolone 

Received 18 Sep 2019 / Accepted 29 Jan 2020

AJRS, 9(3): 196-199, 2020

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