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Article in Japanese

Case Report

A case of small cell lung cancer with retroperitoneal metastasis that developed an intra-tumor abscess due to penetration into the colon

Hideto Oshita  Noriaki Ito  Misato Senoo  Kunihiko Funaishi  Yasuyuki Mitama  Ken Okusaki 

Department of Internal Medicine, Mihara Medical Association Hospital


A 73-year-old man was diagnosed with combined small cell lung cancer and right retroperitoneal metastasis via bronchoscopy and percutaneous needle biopsy findings. Despite treatment with chemotherapy, lung cancer progressed, and he experienced right-side abdominal pain. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography revealed gas retention within the right retroperitoneal tumor, suggesting the formation of an intra-tumor abscess due to penetration into the ascending colon. Although antibiotic treatment and pus drainage were able to control the infection, the patient died due to lung cancer progression. Care must be taken in patients with tumors adjacent to the gastrointestinal tract because penetration through the gastrointestinal tract can cause serious infection.


Combined small cell lung cancer  Retroperitoneal metastasis  Penetration  Intra-tumor abscess 

Received 4 Oct 2019 / Accepted 2 Dec 2019

AJRS, 9(2): 108-112, 2020

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