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Article in Japanese

Case Report

Calculation of shunt ratio of pulmonary arteriovenous malformation by the 100% oxygen inhalation method with ventilator circuit

Kazuyasu Uryu  Ayano Fukuda  Takahiro Utsumi  Takafumi Kayukawa  Kazuya Tsubouchi  Taishi Harada 

Department of Respiratory Medicine, Japan Community Health Care Organization Kyushu Hospital


A 15-year-old woman presented with an abnormal shadow of the left-sided lower lung field on chest X-ray. She was diagnosed with pulmonary arteriovenous malformation (PAVM) and treated with transcatheter arterial embolization (TAE). There are few reports describing a detailed method for using 100% oxygen inhalation to calculate the shunt ratio of PAVM. Here we report a 100% oxygen inhalation method with ventilator circuit to calculate the shunt ratio. It is easy to perform and may be a useful way to evaluate the degree of severity and therapeutic effects of PAVM.


Pulmonary arteriovenous malformation (PAVM)  Shunt ratio  100% oxygen inhalation method  Lung perfusion scintigraphy  Ventilator circuit 

Received 24 Mar 2019 / Accepted 24 Jul 2019

AJRS, 8(6): 415-419, 2019

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