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日本呼吸器学会英文誌 Respiratory Investigation
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日本呼吸器学会誌 増刊号 学術講演会プログラム 抄録集 全文PDF


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Article in Japanese

Case Report

Massive hemoptysis due to Bacillus cereus necrotizing hemorrhagic pneumonia

Michiko Kagajo  Morihide Ando  Akira Shiraki  Harunori Nakashima  Jyunya Noda  Mai Tanimura 

Department of Respiratory Medicine, Ogaki Municipal Hospital


A 67-year-old man diagnosed with small cell lung cancer was managed with amrubicin as second-line treatment. He visited the emergency department because of fever, right-sided chest pain, and hemoptysis on the 14th day of treatment. He developed respiratory failure and shock. Laboratory studies showed severe neutropenia, and a chest X-ray image revealed right-sided lung infiltration. He received left-sided bronchial intubation and intensive care. He subsequently died on the same day. Autopsy specimens showed diffuse bilateral lung necrosis and invasion of Gram-positive rod-shaped microorganisms. Bacillus cereus was later isolated from the blood cultures. We concluded that the diagnosis was B. cereus necrotizing hemorrhagic pneumonia. B. cereus can cause fatal infections. Therefore, infection due to B. cereus should be considered in cases of chemotherapy-related febrile neutropenia.


Bacillus cereus  Hemoptysis  Febrile neutropenia  Necrotizing hemorrhagic pneumonia 

Received 31 Oct 2018 / Accepted 26 Feb 2019

AJRS, 8(3): 183-187, 2019

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