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Article in Japanese

Case Report

Intrapericardial carboplatin administration for cardiac tamponade in patients with advanced thymic malignancies

Takuya Onuki  Shuntaro Kawabata  Tomoyuki Kawamura Masatoshi Yamaoka  Masaharu Inagaki 

Department of General Thoracic Surgery, Tsuchiura Kyodo General Hospital


In this report, we describe the cases of four patients with advanced thymic malignancy who developed tumor-related cardiac tamponade. Two patients had thymic carcinoma; the other two had thymoma. All patients underwent pericardiocentesis and drainage of pericardial effusion, combined with the administration of intrapericardial carboplatin (CBDCA). Although primary or disseminated tumors were located near the pericardium, tumor cells were not detected in the pericardial effusion. Additionally, symptoms of cardiac tamponade disappeared after drainage was performed, and no major complications were observed with respect to intrapericardial administration of CBDCA. All patients received further therapy for their malignancies. Post-therapy survival for all four patients was good: 98 and 414 days for the two patients with thymic carcinoma and 626 and 1,632 days for the two patients with thymoma.


Thymoma  Thymic carcinoma  Cardiac tamponade  Carboplatin (CBDCA) 

Received 18 Jul 2018 / Accepted 12 Oct 2018

AJRS, 8(1): 16-20, 2019

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