A case of small cell lung cancer treated with chemotherapy in the induction period of hemodialysis following contrast-induced nephropathy
Ayako Kurosakia Hideaki Yamasawab Teruhiro Sanoa Hiroyoshi Yamauchia Yoshiaki Nagaia Koichi Hagiwaraa
aDivision of Pulmonary Medicine, Department of Medicine, Jichi Medical University
bDivision of Pulmonary Medicine, International University of Health and Welfare
A 79-year-old man who had been diagnosed with small cell lung cancer developed contrast-induced nephropathy after systemic evaluation by contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT).
Although his renal function started to improve after emergency hemodialysis, the patient went into respiratory failure due to progressive malignant pleural effusion. Therefore, we initiated chemotherapy using carboplatin plus etoposide while continuing hemodialysis. The pleural effusion subsequently resolved and his condition improved. Two courses of chemotherapy resulted in a reduction in the volume of the tumor.
In a situation where lung cancer needs to be treated urgently, we should consider initiating chemotherapy even during the induction phase of hemodialysis. This can be achieved by evaluating the treatment response and the prognosis of renal dysfunction.
Small cell lung cancer Chemotherapy Contrast-induced nephropathy Acute renal failure Hemodialysis
Received 18 May 2018 / Accepted 10 Oct 2018
AJRS, 8(1): 11-15, 2019