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Article in Japanese

Case Report

A case of late recurrence of pulmonary and pleural metastases from renal cell carcinoma diagnosed using thoracoscopy under local anesthesia 19 years after radical nephrectomy

Kousuke Joa  Masahiro Ohgiyaa  Masahiro Shimadaa  Yoshiteru Morioa  Masashi Kitanib  Kenji Seguchic 

aCenter for Pulmonary Diseases, National Hospital Organization Tokyo National Hospital
bDepartment of Pathology, National Hospital Organization Tokyo National Hospital
cDepartment of Urology, National Hospital Organization Tokyo National Hospital


A 78-year-old female was admitted to our hospital for diagnosis of pleural effusion. She had undergone a left nephrectomy because of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) at the age of 59 years. Computed tomography showed left pleural effusion, multiple lesions on the left pleura, and nodules in the left lung. Biopsy of pleural lesions was undertaken with thoracoscopy. The pathological findings were compatible with those of tissue from her RCC 19 years ago. Late recurrence is a specific feature of RCC so that not only urologists but also internists must consider a possibility of recurrence of RCC in the differential diagnosis of pulmonary and pleural metastases, regardless of the number of years since nephrectomy for RCC.


Renal cell carcinoma (RCC)  Late recurrence  Tumor dormancy  Pazopanib 

Received 8 Aug 2018 / Accepted 10 Oct 2018

AJRS, 8(1): 6-10, 2019

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