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Original Article

Clinical features of adult patients diagnosed with pertussis via high levels of the PT-IgG antibody on titer test when consulting a general practitioner unit with prolonged coughing

Tokunao Amemiyaa  Shin-ichiro Iwakamia,b 

aAmemiya Clinic
bDepartment of Respiratory Medicine, Juntendo University Shizuoka Hospital


Among 926 adult patients who consulted a general practitioner unit with prolonged coughing, we examined the clinical features of the 52 who showed high-level PT-IgG antibody titer results indicating pertussis. Paroxysmal coughing was observed in 31 cases (59.6%), whooping cough was observed in 9 cases (17.3%), and 15 cases (28.8%) of posttussive vomiting were observed. However, no characteristic pertussis symptoms were observed in 15 cases (28.8%). Explaining the diagnosis via the high levels of the antibody titer significantly reduced anxiety in the patients, who had already consulted a number of medical institutions. Bronchodilator was effective in half the cases, but no correlation with FeNO was observed; accordingly, it was thought that there had been a spontaneous remission of coughing. It is important to consider a diagnosis of pertussis in patients suffering cough-variant asthma due to prolonged coughing.


Prolonged coughing  Pertussis  General practitioner unit  Clinical feature 

Received 11 Jan 2018 / Accepted 19 Feb 2018

AJRS, 7(3): 125-130, 2018

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