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Article in Japanese

Case Report

A case of primary bronchial leiomyoma successfully treated with KTP laser ablation via flexible bronchoscope

Satoru Miwaa  Tomohiro Utoa  Hideki Yasuia  Jun Satoa  Shiro Imokawaa  Takafumi Sudab 

aDepartment of Respiratory Medicine, Iwata City Hospital
bSecond Division Department of Internal Medicine, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine


A-73-year-old woman was referred to our hospital because of a chest X-ray abnormality found on a routine medical checkup. She had no respiratory symptoms. Laboratory investigations were unremarkable. A chest CT demonstrated a round mass in the lingular bronchus. Bronchoscopy revealed a yellowish to white polypoid, well-circumscribed mass. Treatment with potassium-titanyl-phosphate (KTP) laser ablation via flexible bronchoscope resulted in its complete resection. Histological findings showed smooth muscle cells without evidence of atypia or malignancy. These cells were positive for α-smooth muscle actin. We diagnosed primary bronchial leiomyoma. Subsequent follow-up examinations have shown no relapses for one year. KTP laser ablation via flexible bronchoscope is one of the useful options in the treatment of primary bronchial leiomyoma.


Primary bronchial leiomyoma  Laser ablation  Flexible bronchoscope 

Received 3 Feb 2017 / Accepted 26 May 2017

AJRS, 6(5): 337-340, 2017

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