Clinical investigation of pasteurellosis of the respiratory system
Takashi Ishiguroa Naho Kagiyamaa Hiroaki Yoshiokaa Takashi Nishidaa Keitaro Okudaa Kazuyoshi Kurashimaa Noboru Takayanagia
aDepartment of Respiratory Medicine, Saitama Cardiovascular and Respiratory Center
bDepartment of Laboratory Medicine, Saitama Cardiovascular and Respiratory Center
The significance of isolating Pasteurella multocida from respiratory specimens has not been fully investigated. We retrospectively investigated clinical features and outcomes of 25 patients (4 cases of colonization, 16 of chronic lower respiratory infection, 4 of pneumonia or lung abscess, and 1 of pyothorax) in whom P. multocida had been isolated. They were aged 68.1±9.6 years and included 12 men. Ten patients had been exposed to animals, and underlying respiratory diseases were found in 21. Those with pneumonia, lung abscess, and empyema improved by means of antibiotics and/or thoracic drainage. In conclusion, patients in whom P. multocida had been isolated from respiratory specimens frequently had underlying respiratory disease. Among these patients, most had chronic lower respiratory tract infection, but some developed acute infections.
Pasteurella multocida Pneumonia Chronic lower respiratory tract infection Zoonosis Colonization
Received 26 Dec 2016 / Accepted 21 Feb 2017
AJRS, 6(3): 144-149, 2017