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Article in Japanese

Case Report

Desmoplastic malignant mesothelioma accompanied with tuberculous pleurisy, report of a case

Yoshitomo Ozakia  Shuhei Inouea  Masatsugu Ouchia  Keiko Uedaa  Hiroshi Wadab  Takuto Sakashitab 

aDepartment of Thoracic Surgery, National Hospital Organization Higashiohmi General Medical Center
bDepartment of Respiratory Medicine, National Hospital Organization Higashiohmi General Medical Center


An octogenarian male who had a treatment history of pulmonary tuberculosis 8 years ago was admitted to his local hospital with chief complaints being shortness of breath on exertion and right chest pain. He was diagnosed with tuberculous pleurisy, and medication with antituberculous drugs was initiated. Because the CT scan showed parietal pleural thickening, he was admitted to our hospital with suspicion of malignant mesothelioma. Granulomatous inflammation and acid-fast bacteria were detected in the pleural specimens obtained by thoracoscopy under local anesthesia. Although the antituberculous treatment was continued, the aggravation of the right pleural thickening was seen on the CT scan, and the multiple lymph nodes and bone metastasis were found on the FDG-PET. The reiterated pleural biopsy revealed the increase of the spindle-shaped atypical cells accompanied by the p16 gene homozygous deletion of the tumor cells, which confirmed the diagnosis of desmoplastic malignant mesothelioma.


Desmoplastic malignant mesothelioma  Tuberculous pleurisy  Local anesthetic thoracoscopy  p16 gene homozygous deletion 

Received 25 Oct 2016 / Accepted 21 Nov 2016

AJRS, 6(2): 104-108, 2017

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