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Article in Japanese

Diagnostic Imaging

A case of bronchogenic cyst showing various abnormal shadows in the lung field

Takuya Kakutania  Koshi Yokomuraa  Ayano Gotoa Takafumi Koyauchia  Hiroshi Niwab  Takafumi Sudac 

aDepartment of Respiratory Medicine, Respiratory Disease Center, Seirei Mikatahara General Hospital
bDepartment of Respiratory Surgery, Respiratory Disease Center, Seirei Mikatahara General Hospital
cSecond Department of Internal Medicine, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine


A 64-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital with complaints of chest pain and dry cough. Chest computed tomography showed that a cystic lesion of around 65 mm in the subcarinal space had compressed the right main bronchus. We also found various abnormal shadows, including septal thickening, a centrilobular shadow, and ground-glass opacity, which were restricted to the middle lobe of the right lung, together with right-sided pleural effusion. After treatment with antibiotics, all of these findings improved quickly and the cystic lesion also shrank. About 40 days after the first visit, the cystic lesion was resected surgically and diagnosed as a bronchogenic cyst. We should take notice that the inflammation-like infection can enlarge the bronchogenic cyst, and the enlarged cyst may cause various types of abnormal shadows in the lung field.


Bronchogenic cyst  Mediastinal tumor  Septal thickening  Centrilobular shadow 

Received 5 Jun 2016 / Accepted 26 Sep 2016

AJRS, 6(1): 49-52, 2017

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