A case of pulmonary lymphangiosis carcinomatosa as a primary manifestation of sigmoid colon cancer
Nobuo Koguchi Kumiko Katayama Asuka Okada Shinsuke Murakami Hideaki Takenaka Sumito Cho
Department of Respiratory Medicine, Saiseikai Suita Hospital
A 69-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital because of cough and dyspnea. Chest CT scan revealed lymphangiosis carcinomatosa, but no masses considered as primary lung cancer was seen. Both results of transbronchial lung biopsy (TBLB) and colon biopsy showed adenocarcinoma, and immunohistochemistry results diagnosed primary colon cancer with lung lymphangiosis carcinomatosa. Lymphangiosis carcinomatosa is mostly associated with primary lung, breast, and gastric cancer, but pulmonary lymphangiosis carcinomatosa caused by colon cancer is rare. When pulmonary lymphangiosis carcinomatosa is detected, we should consider the possibility of colon cancer, and TBLB should be performed.
Lymphangiosis carcinomatosa Colon cancer Immunohistochemistry
Received 29 Mar 2016 / Accepted 10 Aug 2016
AJRS, 5(6): 307-311, 2016