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Article in Japanese

Case Report

A case of nontyphoid Salmonella pleurisy

Kentaro Tagoa  Yoshiaki Sasakia  Yoko Tanakaa  Tomoko Narabayashia  Shinsuke Sakaia  Kiyoshi Ohnob 

aDepartment of Internal Medicine, Japan Community Health Care Organization Osaka Hospital
bDepartment of Internal Medicine, Kita-Osaka Police Hospital


A 56-year-old man visited our hospital because of right chest pain. His chest X-ray showed the presence of a large amount of fluid in the right pleural cavity, so he was admitted to our hospital immediately. After admission, we inserted a chest drainage tube. Soon nontyphoidal Salmonella O-7 was isolated from his pleural effusion. On day 9, ciprofloxacin was started. But only a chest tube insertion and antibiotics did not improve pleurisy. So in addition to the antibiotics, we injected urokinase in his thoracic cavity to drain pleural effusion enough. Afterward, pleurisy was improved, and we extracted the tube on day 29. Ten days later he could be discharged.


Pleurisy  Nontyphoidal Salmonella  Pleural effusion drainage 

Received 2 Aug 2014 / Accepted 15 Oct 2014

AJRS, 4(1): 106-109, 2015

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