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Topics Series Structure and function

Why we focus on physical activity now?

Hajime Kurosawaa,b 

aCenter for Environmental Conservation and Research Safety, Tohoku University
bDepartment of Occupational Health, Tohoku University School of Medicine


Physical activity has become an important component in the management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Exercise capacity is an index of ability, but physical activity is much like a lifestyle. The support of patients' daily activities is important to their improving and maintaining this lifestyle. Systemic inflammation is another key topic. Based on the concept that skeletal muscles are endocrine organs, physical inactivity is assumed to be a source of inflammation. Triggered by muscle contraction, skeletal muscles secrete humoral factors that may link with varieties of clinical effects, such as anti-inflammation and antidepression. In this issue we will review the science in the field of respiratory medicine, especially COPD, from the viewpoint of physical activity and systemic inflammation.


Systemic inflammation  Exercise capacity  Dyspnea  Skeletal muscle  Myokine 

AJRS, 4(1): 4-7, 2015

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