High-flow nasal cannula oxygen therapy
Hokkaido Chuo Rosai Hospital
High-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) has lately been receiving considerable attention as a new oxygen-supplying device. Although nasal oxygen is administered at flows ranging from 10-60 L/min, it is not uncomfortable when the oxygen is warmed to body temperature and saturated to full humidity. The oxygen from HFNC has several beneficial effects: 1) pharyngeal dead space washout, 2) reduction of nasopharyngeal resistance; 3) a positive expiratory pressure that increases as oxygen flow increases; 4) an alveolar recruitment that increases end-expiratory lung volume with reduced respiratory rate; 5) mucociliary clearance improvement; and 6) better control of FiO2. However, definitive recommendations about HFNC oxygen therapy will await more clinical studies.
High-flow nasal cannula Oxygen therapy PEEP Humidified oxygen
AJRS, 3(6): 771-776, 2014