Next-generation sequencer-based lung cancer genomics and its translation to precision medicine
Kuniko Sunamia,b Takashi Kohnoa
aDivision of Genome Biology, National Cancer Center Research Institute
bDepartment of Thoracic Oncology, National Cancer Center Hospital
Identification of druggable oncogene aberrations driving lung carcinogenesis has facilitated personalized therapy of lung cancer. The identification has been achieved by recent progress of large-scale genome analysis technologies. Notably, oncogenic RET, NRTK1, and NRG1 fusions were identified as novel therapeutic targets in lung adenocarcinoma by next-generation sequencer-based genome/transcriptome analyses. A nationwide genomic screening system was established in Japan for developing personalized therapy of advanced non-small cell lung cancer with RET fusion. In this chapter, we describe the current challenge in developing personalized therapy of lung cancer.
Next-generation sequencer Personalized therapy Driver gene aberration Clinical sequencing
AJRS, 3(5): 636-642, 2014