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Article in Japanese

Case Report

A case of pulmonary carcinoid tumor with tuberculosis

Masakazu Konoa  Toshihiko Sakaia  Kousuke Hirotab  Ayako Yokoea  Chie Koumuraa  Yoichi Anamic  Saori Shionod  Hirokazu Tojimaa 

aDepartment of Internal Pulmonary Medicine, Tokyo Rosai Hospital
bDepartment of Respiratory Medicine, Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine
cDepartment of Thoracic Surgery, Tokyo Rosai Hospital
dDepartment of Pathology, Tokyo Rosai Hospital


A 63-year-old man was referred because of a history of cough and ill-defined consolidation on the chest X-ray. His sputum status for acid-fast bacilli, DNA PCR, and culture examination for Mycobacterium tuberculosis was positive. He received daily antituberculous therapy, and the consolidation on the X-ray improved steadily. Nine months after the end of treatment, an enlargement of the remained lesion on the chest X-ray was observed. Bronchoscopy revealed intrabronchial polypoid tumor. Pulmonary lobectomy was performed and atypical carcinoid was proved. Pulmonary carcinoid tumor combines with pulmonary tuberculosis very rarely. To our knowledge, a case that both carcinoid and tuberculosis exist in the same region of the lung has never been described previously in literature.


Carcinoid  Tuberculosis  Concomitant  Same region 

Received 28 Oct 2013 / Accepted 14 Jan 2014

AJRS, 3(3): 422-426, 2014

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