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Article in Japanese

Case Report

Familial schwannomatosis with intrapulmonary schwannoma

Masafumi Suzukia,d  Masayuki Suganob  Manabu Uenod  Jun Atsumib  Mitsuru Motegia  Akira Ogawac  Yuji Shimizua 

aDepartment of Respiratory Medicine, National Hospital Organization, Takasaki General Medical Center
bDepartment of Thoracic Surgery, National Hospital Organization, Takasaki General Medical Center
cDepartment of Pathology, National Hospital Organization, Takasaki General Medical Center
dDepartment of Respiratory Medicine, Gunma University Hospital


A 35-year-old woman underwent chest radiography 2 years previously, which indicated an abnormal shadow in the left hilum. Moreover, a round tumor with a smooth surface was detected in the left upper lobe of the lung by computed tomography. The tumor gradually increased in size over 2 years, and positron emission tomography showed abnormal uptake by the tumor. Although multiple smooth surface tumors were detected in the ileocecal region adjacent to the uterus and in the greatest gluteal muscle, video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) was performed to remove the intrathoracic tumor for differential diagnosis. Histological examination revealed fasciculated spindle-shaped cells that were positive for S-100 and vimentin. Considering the patient's family history, a diagnosis of familial schwannomatosis with intrapulmonary schwannoma was made. In the present case, although the tumor appeared to be benign, an appropriate approach such as VATS was required for definite diagnosis and complete therapy when the tumor had grown in size.


Intrapulmonary schwannoma  Schwannomatosis  Familial schwannoma 

Received 1 Oct 2013 / Accepted 13 Dec 2013

AJRS, 3(3): 418-421, 2014

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