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Article in Japanese

Topics Series Allergy, immunology and inflammation

Molecular-targeting drugs

Ken Ohta 

National Hospital Organization Tokyo National Hospital


A humanized anti-human IgE antibody (anti-IgE: omalizumab) was first approved for clinical use as a molecular targeting drug for asthma treatment. It has been used as a new treatment for patients with severe allergic asthma and found to be effective in about 60% of the patients. One of the developing agents following anti-IgE is a humanized anti-IL-5 antibody (mepolizumab), which showed efficacy in severe asthmatics with eosinophilia in the airways. Moreover, recombinant antibodies targeting the receptor, IL-4Ra, shared by IL-4 and IL-13 or IL-13 itself, and a humanized antibody against the IL-5 receptor have been under investigation.


Humanized anti-human IgE antibody  JGL2012  Refractory asthma  Humanized anti-IL-5 antibody  Humanized anti-IL-13 antibody 

AJRS, 3(2): 178-185, 2014

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