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Article in Japanese

Case Report

Postoperative metastatic lung tumor in a patient with a history of cerebellar hemangiopericytoma

Kenjiro Furuta  Takuya Takaiwa  Satoshi Ikeda  Akihiro Nishiyama  Hiroshige Yoshioka  Tadashi Ishida 

Department of Respiratory Medicine, Kurashiki Central Hospital


Hemangiopericytoma is a rare soft tissue tumor that originates from pericytes covering the vascular intima. It often occurs postoperatively as local recurrence and metastasis. A 47-year-old male was admitted to our hospital for an examination of a right lung mass following surgery for cerebellar hemangiopericytoma. A bronchofiberscopy was unrevealing. Percutaneous lung biopsy revealed metastatic hemangiopericytoma. Temozolomide chemotherapy was commenced, but he died after eight days of treatment. We herein report the present rare case in detail.


Hemangiopericytoma  Metastatic lung tumor  Solitary fibrous tumor  Brain tumor  Temozolomide 

Received 5 Apr 2013 / Accepted 15 Oct 2013

AJRS, 3(1): 75-78, 2014

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