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Article in Japanese

Topics Series Infectious Disease: Pneumonia

The comprehensive strategy for the prevention of pneumonia

Jun-ichi Kadota 

Department of Respiratory Medicine and Infectious Diseases, Oita University Faculty of Medicine


Japan is facing the advent of an unprecedented aging of society, and the prevention of pneumonia in this elderly population is highly important. The prevention of viral infection by hand washing and influenza vaccination is necessary to reduce secondary bacterial pneumonia. Furthermore, combined vaccination with influenza and pneumococcal vaccine during influenza season is especially useful for elderly subjects to decrease the mortality rate. Because aspiration pneumonia is more common in an elderly population, the preventive strategies for silent aspiration including oral health care would be effective.


Pneumonia in the elderly  Preventive strategy  Aspiration pneumonia  Vaccination  Oral healthcare 

AJRS, 2(6): 703-707, 2013

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