Adrenal hemorrhage resulting from bilateral adrenal metastasis of lung cancer: A case report
Yasuhiro Fujii Kouhei Ohara Kouichi Takagi Minako Hamada Kazuya Matukizono Yumiko Tomiyama Yoshifusa Koreeda Masaharu Kawabata
Department of Respiratory Medicine, Minami Kyushu National Hospital
A man in his 70s developed adenocarcinoma of the lung. At his initial visit, a CT revealed no enlargement of either adrenal gland; therefore adrenal metastasis was not suspected. However, the patient experienced a right adrenal hemorrhage, and a PET/CT revealed accumulation in both adrenal glands, which led to a diagnosis of bilateral adrenal metastasis of lung cancer. Adrenal hemorrhage as a result of lung cancer metastasis is rare, and only 11 cases have so far been reported. We examined a total of 12 such cases, including the present one. When patients suffering from lung cancer have abdominal/back pain and anemia of unknown origin, adrenal hemorrhage resulting from lung cancer metastasis should be considered. Moreover, PET/CT is useful for a diagnosis of adrenal metastasis of lung cancer.
Adrenal hemorrhage Adrenal metastasis Lung cancer PET/CT
Received 22 Nov 2012 / Accepted 14 Feb 2013
AJRS, 2(4): 442-445, 2013