A case of spontaneous massive hemothorax improved with surgery on a patient with von Recklinghausen disease
Tadahisa Numakuraa Yoshifumi Matsuuraa Hiroto Takiguchib Yasuka Haraa Yuji Matsumurac Muneo Minowac
aDepartment of Internal Medicine, Ohta Nishinouchi Hospital, Ohta General Hospital Foundation
bDepartment of Pulmonary Medicine, Tokai University Hospital
cDepartment of Surgery, Ohta Nishinouchi General Hospital, Ohta General Hospital Foundation
A 41-year-old man with von Recklinghausen disease presented with right back pain. A chest X-ray and pleurocentesis revealed hemothorax. Chest CT scan showed an enhanced extravasation at the 9th thoracic vertebra. A chest drainage deteriorated the blood pressure, and we decided to perform an urgent thoracotomy. Using pressure hemostasis, we stopped the bleeding and he fully recovered.
Hemothorax von Recklinghausen disease Neurofibromatosis type 1 Surgery
Received 30 Oct 2012 / Accepted 25 Feb 2013
AJRS, 2(4): 410-413, 2013