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Article in Japanese

Original Article

The usefulness of hot biopsy forceps for diagnosing endobronchial lesions

Kenta Yamamuraa,*  Yoshiki Demuraa  Koichi Nishia  Hiroki Matsuokaa  Tomoyuki Arayaa  Masaru Nishitsujia  Kazuo Kasaharab  Masaki Fujimurac 

aDepartment of Pulmonary Medicine, Ishikawa Prefectural Hospital
bDepartment of Respiratory Medicine, Kanazawa University Graduate School of Medical Sciences
cDepartment of Respiratory Medicine, National Hospital Organization Nanao Hospital
*Present address: Department of Respiratory Medicine, Kanazawa University Graduate School of Medical Sciences


Traditionally, cold biopsy forceps have been used for endobronchial biopsies, but bronchoscopic biopsy forceps with an electrocautery action (hot biopsy) were recently introduced. It is hypothesized that hot biopsy forceps may reduce procedure-related hemorrhaging following biopsies. However, there are no published data on the use of this device in Japan. Therefore we retrospectively investigated the usefulness of hot biopsy for diagnosing endobronchial lesions. Although bleeding was observed in 33 of 53 cases (62.3%), it was easily stopped easily in all, and a diagnosis was achieved in 50 (94.3%). We conclude that hot biopsy forceps may reduce procedure-related hemorrhaging following biopsies of endobronchial lesions.


Lung cancer  Endobronchial lesions  Hot biopsy forceps  Biopsy-proven  Endobronchial hemorrhage 

Received 12 Sep 2012 / Accepted 11 Mar 2013

AJRS, 2(4): 333-337, 2013

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