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Article in Japanese

Case Report

Obstinate hyponatremia and hypoglycemia caused by pituitary metastasis of lung cancer

Kakuhiro Yamaguchi  Soichi Kitaguchi  Mayuko Kagawa  Takashi Ogawa  Fumihiro Sugahara  Hiromi Egawa 

Department of Respiratory Medicine, Hiroshima City Asa Hospital


A 66-year-old male was admitted with fatigue and weight loss. A CT examination revealed a 10-mm lung nodule in the left S8 region, right supraclavicular adenopathy, multiple brain metastases, and multiple pancreatic metastases. We diagnosed the patient with small cell lung cancer based on the results of a right supraclavicular adenopathy biopsy. The laboratory data showed low values of cortisol, hyponatremia, and hypoglycemia. The patient underwent hormonal replacement therapy to improve hypopituitarism caused by pituitary metastasis. His performance status quickly improved, and he became able to receive chemotherapy. Hypopituitarism occurring in a patient with pituitary metastasis of lung cancer is rare. However, it is very important to improve the hormonal condition of patients using early medical intervention to prolong their survival.


Lung cancer  Pituitary metastasis  Hypopituitarism  Hyponatremia  Hypoglycemia 

Received 15 Aug 2012 / Accepted 8 Nov 2012

AJRS, 2(3): 279-283, 2013

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