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Article in Japanese

Case Report

An autopsy case of pulmonary tumor thrombotic microangiopathy associated with lung squamous cell carcinoma

Takahiro Hagaa  Mizuki Fukuokaa  Mizuo Moritaa  Kouhei Choa  Masatoshi Kuriharab  Sirou Ozawac 

aDepartment of Respiratory Medicine, Nissan Tamagawa Hospital
bPneumothorax Research Center, Nissan Tamagawa Hospital
cNissan Tamagawa Clinic


A 63-year-old male developed left chest pain in January 2009 and sought treatment at another hospital in February 2009. A large amount of pleural effusion was found, but the diagnosis was not confirmed. The patient remained under careful observation in an outpatient setting. Chest CT revealed a tumor shadow in the left lobe, and it was diagnosed as squamous cell carcinoma by aspiration cytology of a right supraclavicular lymph node in December 2009. He was referred to this hospital in February 2010 and underwent chemotherapy. It was unsuccessful, and he died in September 2010. The autopsy findings revealed squamous cell carcinoma of the lung, primarily in the left lower lobe and pulmonary tumor thrombotic microangiopathy (PTTM). There are no reports of PTTM being caused by lung squamous cell carcinoma, and this is therefore considered to be a valuable case.


Pulmonary tumor thrombotic microangiopathy  Lung cancer  Squamous cell carcinoma 

Received 26 Jan 2012 / Accepted 15 May 2012

AJRS, 1(7): 584-588, 2012

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