Erlotinib contributed to the amelioration of malignant peritonitis as a result of lung adenocarcinoma after gefitinib failure
Osamu Nagashimaa Toshifumi Yaea Atsuko Tsutsuia Yuichi Fujimotob Akihiko Iwasea Kazuhisa Takahashib
aDivision of Respiratory Medicine, Juntendo Tokyo Koto Geriatric Medical Center
bDivision of Respiratory Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Graduate School of Medicine, Juntendo University
We describe a case in which erlotinib treatment contributed to amelioration of malignant peritonitis as a result of lung adenocarcinoma after gefitinib failure. A 57-year-old man underwent right upper lobe resection, lymph node dissection, and partial lower lobe resection of multiple primary cancer for lung adenocarcinoma (pT1N0M1 stage IV). The operative sample was positive for the EGFR mutation (exon 18 G719X), and right malignant pleural effusion increased one year later. After gefitinib treatment, the pleural effusion was decreased, but three months later, it again increased. Thus we diagnosed his condition as gefitinib failure. We attempted various antineoplastic drugs, but he ultimately developed malignant peritonitis, and his condition deteriorated. We treated him with erlotinib; the ascites then decreased and the patient's condition improved, although liver metastasis was shown. But we experienced a case in which erlotinib treatment contributed to amelioration of malignant peritonitis as a result of lung adenocarcinoma after gefitinib failure.
Erlotinib Gefitinib Lung adenocarcinoma Malignant peritonitis EGFR
Received 19 Mar 2012 / Accepted 1 Jun 2012
AJRS, 2(1): 49-52, 2013