A case of infectious bulla with Mycobacterium fortuitum successfully treated by meropenem
Niro Okimoto Toshikiyo Hayashi Michihiro Kishimoto Noriyuki Kawanaka Takeyuki Kurihara Naoyuki Miyashita
Department of Genera Internal Medicine 1, Kawasaki Hospital, Kawasaki Medical School
We report a case of infectious bulla with Mycobacterium fortuitum successfully treated by meropenem (MEPM). The patient was a 68-year-old male whose complaints were a productive cough and fever. Chest X-ray film showed pulmonary bulla with niveau and infiltrative shadows surrounding the bulla in the right upper lobe. The direct smear examination showed positive acid-fast bacilli (Gaffky 2), and M. fortuitum was detected by sputum culture. The symptoms and abnormality of chest X-ray film findings were improved, and the discharge of bacilli was stopped by administration of MEPM. Carbapenem was effective against M. fortuitum.
Nontuberculous mycobacteriosis Mycobacterium fortuitum Carbapenem
Received 18 Oct 2011 / Accepted 14 Feb 2012
AJRS, 1(5): 404-407, 2012