A case of thymoma remarkably responded to fifth-line chemotherapy with CAMP therapy
Keisuke Watanabea Masaharu Shinkaia Hideto Gotoa Sumiko Yoshikawaa Nobuhiro Yamaguchia Yuu Haraa,b Yusuke Moriyamaa Yoshiaki Ishigatsuboc Takeshi Kanekoa
aRespiratory Disease Center, Yokohama City University Medical Center
bDivision of Infectious Diseases and Pulmonary Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine 2, National Defense Medical College
cDepartment of Internal Medicine and Clinical Immunology, Yokohama City University Graduate School of Medicine
A 67-year-old woman was diagnosed with thymoma (WHO classification type B1, Masaoka clinical stage IVa) in October 2008. She received chemotherapy with cisplatin+doxorubicin+vincristine+cyclophosphamide, carboplatin+paclitaxel, carboplatin+etoposide and docetaxel. But in June 2010, chest CT showed that primary lesion and pleural dissemination had regrown, and she was admitted to receive fifth-line chemotherapy with cisplatin+doxorubicin+metylprednisolone (CAMP therapy). Four cycles of CAMP therapy were introduced from June 2010, and chest CT revealed remarkable efficacy of the treatment. Moreover, toxicity was mild and well tolerable. To control disease progress in this patient, we considered it effective to continue chemotherapy as long as we could. It is possible that CAMP therapy is one of the effective candidates for salvage chemotherapy regimen in thymoma patients.
Thymoma Chemotherapy CAMP therapy
Received 12 Aug 2011 / Accepted 27 Jan 2012
AJRS, 1(5): 399-403, 2012