Article in Japanese
Efficacy and safety of erlotinib monotherapy for Japanese patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer: integrated analysis of two Japanese phase II studies
Hiroaki Okamotoa Koshiro Watanabea Koichi Gotob Tomohide Tamurac Toshiaki Takahashid Yukito Ichinosee Kazuhiko Nakagawaf Yoshihiko Segawag Nagahiro Saijof Masahiro Fukuokah
aYokohama Municipal Citizen's Hospital
bNational Cancer Center Hospital East
cNational Cancer Center Hospital
dShizuoka Cancer Center
eNational Hospital Organization Kyushu Cancer Center
fKinki University Faculty of Medicine
gNational Hospital Organization Yamaguchi—Ube Medical Center
hIzumi Municipal Hospital
To provide the general profiles of efficacy and safety of erlotinib in Japanese patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), we conducted an integrated analysis of two phase II studies (JO16565 and JO18396). The objective response rate was 28% (30/106 patients). The early partial response-in (PR-in) (at least a 30% decrease in the sum of diameters of target lesions, taking as reference the baseline sum diameters) within 30 days from start of treatment was observed in 70% of responding patients (21/30 patients). The early symptomatic improvement within 15 days from the start of treatment was observed in 77% of improving patients in Lung Cancer Subscale (LCS) (30/39 patients). In patients with stable disease (SD), a high improvement rate using LCS (65% [11/17 patients]) was observed, and the duration of improvement was positively correlated with that of SD. Therefore erlotinib was found to show promising symptomatic improvement not only in responding patients, but also in nonresponding patients with SD. Favorable dose reduction was considered to enable maintaining antitumor efficacy in patients who required dose reductions because of adverse events.
Japanese Non-small cell lung cancer Erlotinib Combined analysis
Received 21 Oct 2011 / Accepted 16 Dec 2011
AJRS, 1(3): 190-196, 2012